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American Concrete Institute (ACI)
Founded in 1904 and headquartered in Farmington Hills, MI, USA, the American Concrete Institute has been advancing concrete knowledge for over 100 years, and is widely considered as the world’s leading authority for concrete advancement & technology. The American Concrete Institute currently has 98 chapters and almost 30,000 members spanning 120 countries.
Concrete International Magazine (CI)
The only publication that reaches every segment of the concrete industry.
CI is where ACI members go every month for their most trusted concrete news and information. Members are key decision makers deeply involved in concrete construction, engineering, testing, and design. ACI members read each issue carefully—including ads—seeking out solutions for their projects. With a readership of over 20,000 concrete decision makers working in every area of the industry, why advertise anywhere else?
ACI E-News
Get your message delivered directly to the top concrete professionals and decision makers of the industry through ACI E-News. ACI E-News is the association’s exclusive bi-weekly E-Newsletter distributed to around 40,000 members, subscribers, and customers — your top prospects and customers. We currently have available on a first come, first served basis, two highly visible display ad positions that will allow you to uniquely stand out from your competitors and get your message into the inboxes of the concrete industry’s most powerful decision makers.
CI Digital Alert
Include your message exclusively on the CI Digital Alert for access to more than 17,000 subscribers who anxiously await the arrival of their electronic copy of the concrete industry’s “most credible resource” as described by ACI members. There’s only one space available making this ACI’s most sought after advertising position.
CI Landing Page Sponsorship
Introduced late in 2016, the CI Landing Page Sponsorship has quickly become an advertiser favorite. With 2 points of visibility, this opportunity gives companies a cost effective option that provides exposure in 2 key areas.
For immediate questions please contact:
Dan Kaste